A Few Words From the Photographer...
"What's Right With The World" is a theme that I felt was appropriate for my style of photography. I love to travel, explore and challenge myself with the outdoors and it's adventures.
There are so many negative things happening in the world, it seems like every newspaper, TV and radio station tells us of: Wars, dysfunctional families, murders on schools and campuses, racial hatred, slanderous political media coverage, crime, terrorism, pollution, disease, starvation, homeless human beings and so much more. This site is dedicated to all the things that are right in this world, which all to often, are taken for granted.
"Brad W. Andersohn" 2007
Brad is currently living in Solano County with his beautiful wife Debra and their two sons Dustin and Brandon. The third son Sean, is currently living and attending college in Santa Clara County.
Brad is a full time Senior Business Development Executive for First American Title Company and holds 20 years experience under his belt. He's more commonly known on the Internet as, "The Escrow Guy". He's also a musician, producer, photographer, martial artist.
May the inspirational photos here, be a testament to his life!